Using a Flexible Spending Account to cover your eye care
What is a Flexible Spending Account?
A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is a smart, easy way to save money while keeping you and your family healthy. It’s a pre-tax benefit account that you contribute funds to, typically from your paycheck. An FSA may be available as part of your employee benefits package.
Can I use my FSA to cover out-of-pocket costs that my insurance didn’t cover?
Yes; this is a great way to maximize your savings!
How long do I have to use my FSA funds?
You must use your FSA funds before the end of each benefit period – typically by December 31st. It’s best to use your available funds before the end of each benefit period to maximize your benefits and avoid losing unused funds. However, depending on your insurance plan, some employers may allow a brief grace period of 60-90 days after the new year begins.
How can I spend my FSA?
You can use your FSA account to cover a variety of medical expenses for you, your children or any qualifying dependent you claim on your taxes. Eye exams, prescription glasses, fitting fees and contact lenses typically qualify as eligible expenses. If you’re looking for ways to maximize your benefits before they expire, eyecare and eyewear are two great options!